About Joseph Gregory, MD

[intro]If you have arrived here because you are contemplating addressing some of the common emotional frustrations in your life, then allow me to congratulate and encourage you. Choosing to seek support and advancement through psychotherapy is a sign of strength and resourcefulness. It attracts those individuals who want a deeper understanding of themselves and others. It endeavors to facilitate insight into the recurring patterns in our thoughts and feelings, thereby increasing emotional awareness and facilitating an expanded perspective.[/intro]

[block]Practice Areas[/block]: I work with clients who are experiencing anxiety, stress, depression, loss and grief, relationship and communication issues, self-defeating habits, and challenging life transitions. My approach is tailored to each client’s unique needs and goals. I use traditional talk therapy as well as prescribing any needed psychiatric medications. By nature I am not quick to prescribe but there are sometimes conditions that cannot wait for psychotherapy to ameliorate.

Most clients initially seek out treatment due to a significant emotional issue that has become problematic. Frequently, after the presenting issue is addressed, many come to appreciate therapy as a valued resource, realizing the depth that comes from ongoing work.

I am a psychiatrist and psychotherapist in solo private practice in Birmingham, Alabama, where I have lived and practiced medicine since 2001.